Want to sound like a tea foodie? Don't say chai tea; directly translated it means "tea tea." Legend has it that spiced, or masala, chai was created by an Indian or Thai king as a cleansing beverage. Today, we enjoy it any time. For an invigorating twist on this recipe, try making a dirty chai by adding a shot of cold brew coffee extract.
Using the Toddy® Cold Brew System - Commercial Model, place dry ingredients in the paper filter and shake or stir to mix the spices with the tea. Place the paper filter on top of the lift or in the nylon strainer in the brewer. Add water. Ensure tea and spices are well mixed and saturated. Steep for 16 to 24 hours.
After brewing, drain the concentrate and remove the filter. If using the nylon strainer, squeeze lightly to help drain excess concentrate.
Then add:
Stir or shake vigorously to dissolve the honey.
To serve, steam one part chai concentrate with three to four parts milk. Spicy chai is also delicious served over ice.