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The Toddy difference

What makes a superior cold brew?

There's cold brew, and then there's Toddy cold brew. Yes, we're purists, devoted to both the art and science of creating exceptional cold brewed coffee and tea. We believe instant gratification has its place in life, just not when crafting a superior cold brew. We believe that you can't rush the cold brew process. And we believe food-grade equipment plays an integral role in producing delicious, cafe-quality coffee.

Cold brewing with Toddy involves a thoughtful, intentional process. Each step has been meticulously considered, tested, and replicated to deliver an unparalleled cold brew extract that showcases the best attributes that coffee and tea have to offer.

Cold brew made the Toddy way:

  • Starts with high-quality coffee beans or tea leaves to produce an exceptional cup every time.
  • Prioritizes "brew fresh and serve fresh" for optimal flavor.
  • Champions a simple, delicious brewing process; we believe in avoiding gratuitous complexity.
  • Uses the immersion method of brewing to maximize contact time between the coffee grounds and water.

In short, at Toddy we want to design and build cold brewing solutions that do the job - simply, effectively, consistently. Because we also believe you shouldn't need an engineering degree to appreciate cold brew.

As true today as it was 60 years ago, we still rely on cold brewing equipment that is built to last and never over-engineered. It's no accident that our equipment features minimal moving parts to prevent breakage and keep equipment out of our landfills.

Let us help you develop or elevate your cold brew program.

Toddy cold brew experts are here to help.



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