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Toddy® Cold Brew System Recipes

Supercharged Cold Brew & Tonic

Supercharged Cold Brew and Tonic in a glass next to 2 lemons

On those days - and even those years - that call for coffee throughout the day and into the night, there's a supercharged cold brew & tonic that's up to the task. This one starts with gin and ends with fruit (vitamin C) and a vegetable/happy little tree (fine, it's a rosemary sprig). Go ahead; enjoy an adult beverage while appeasing your inner child who still likes to play with her food.


  • 2 ounces gin
  • 4 ounces tonic water
  • 2 ounces cold brew coffee concentrate
  • ⅓ ounce simple syrup


  • Large ice cube
  • Sprig of rosemary
  • Lemon wedge


Use a cocktail shaker to blend gin and simple syrup over ice until well chilled. Next, place a large ice cube into a glass and strain the gin and sugar mix into the glass. Add tonic water.

Gently pour the cold brew concentrate on top (it should float above the tonic), then wipe the rim of the glass with lemon peel. Garnish the drink with a lemon wedge and a sprig of rosemary. 

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