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Toddy® Cold Brew System Recipes

Toddy®-style Cappuccino

Cold brew cappuccino in a cup with saucer


  • 2 ounces cold brew coffee concentrate
  • 4 ounces cold milk, divided


In a saucepan, heat coffee concentrate and 2 ounces of milk until steaming. Do not boil. Simultaneously, add 2 ounces cold milk to a second saucepan. Whisk milk while heating, and again, do not boil. Once you have enough foam, remove from heat. Pour coffee and milk mixture into a mug, top with foam, and serve.

In the microwave, heat coffee concentrate and 4 ounces of milk until steaming. Do not boil. If you'd like, use a hand frother to create foam.

In a milk frother, froth coffee concentrate and 4 ounces of milk. Pour coffee and milk mixture into a mug, top with foam, and serve.

pouring milk into stainless for frothing
Warm the milk for foaming.

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